Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Is This For Me?

Only YOU can answer that very important question.

We offer three levels of participation:

  1. Ground-floor: requires minimum participation and commitment
  2. Mid-level: requires 5 - 10 hours per week commitment and participation
  3. Top-level: requires 10 - 20+ hours per week commitment and participation
IF you are looking for wellness solutions that work, with a proven track record...then 'we' could be what you're searching for.

IF you are seeking your own Plan B...then 'we' could be what you've been looking for.

Membership is OPEN to everyone who qualifies to join our TEAM.

Interested?  Please Contact:

Deborah Lindley/Founder/Team Leader
Team NEW Day.rocks

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."