Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas and Joy in the New Year!

Wishing You and Yours the Merriest of Christmases...

...and a JOYFUL New Year!

Deborah Lindley/Founder/Team Leader
Team NEW

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Is This For Me?

Only YOU can answer that very important question.

We offer three levels of participation:

  1. Ground-floor: requires minimum participation and commitment
  2. Mid-level: requires 5 - 10 hours per week commitment and participation
  3. Top-level: requires 10 - 20+ hours per week commitment and participation
IF you are looking for wellness solutions that work, with a proven track record...then 'we' could be what you're searching for.

IF you are seeking your own Plan B...then 'we' could be what you've been looking for.

Membership is OPEN to everyone who qualifies to join our TEAM.

Interested?  Please Contact:

Deborah Lindley/Founder/Team Leader
Team NEW

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."

Monday, June 13, 2016

What's the BIG Secret?

Have you ever wondered how other people do it?  How they become successful? It's not by accident. It's by design.  Successful people do the things that make them successful over and over and over again.

Taking the proper steps to become successful and eventually own your own life with a truly rewarding business is a BIG decision...and so worth it!

When you're ready to discover exactly What we do and How we do it, and more importantly IF you can do it, too - we'll be happy to share our BIG Secret with you.

Our Best,

Deb Lindley/Founder
"Enhancing Lives...One Day At A Time."

Friday, May 27, 2016

Because Freedom is NEVER Free - A Memorial Day Tribute

In Honor of Those Who Gave the Ultimate Sacrifice:

So that We may live EVERYDAY in Freedom...Thank YOU.

Deb Lindley/Founder
"Enhancing Lives...One Day At A Time."

Friday, May 20, 2016

Once Upon A Time...

There was a group of people - employees, business owners, a stay-at-home mom, and an Entrepreneur or two, who desired their own business for their security and that of those they cared about most.  A 'different kind' of business.  A business with far-reaching possibilities.

They had a Wish List for the requirements of their 'Dream Business'.  

Business Wish List:
  • NO HUGE Financial Investment to get started
  • NO Large Inventory to store and maintain
  • NO Employees or overhead
  • NO Repeat Sales Presentations
  • NO Taking Product Orders or Product Deliveries
  • Exceptional, unique products and services that people use Everyday, and re-order at their option!
  • The potential for residual income - just like music artists, book authors, and movie stars earn
  • Average people could earn significant income
  • NO Risk!  NO one could get hurt risking ANYTHING, especially their lifetime savings.

After looking long and hard, they actually found such a business with a tremendous track record. 

*BBB Accredited Business since 1987.

They shared what they found with us and now, we are prepared to share with you...Are YOU ready?

When you are...let us know.

Deb Lindley/Founder
"Enhancing Lives...One Day At A Time."

*Please Note:  A portion of our generated revenues will go towards helping to cover and honor our Service Members and Veterans with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor...Thank YOU.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Is Your Home Really Safe & Healthy?

Are YOU sure?  Want to find out?  How about right now?

Here you go: will answer most if not ALL of your healthy home questions!

No time like the present, right?  Especially during this Spring Cleaning Season!

Best get busy gettin'...

Wellness to You and Yours,

Deborah Lindley/Founder
Team NEW

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."

Powerful Living Online

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Recession-Proof Business Model...Really?

You've heard the term more than once, we're sure BUT, is there really such a thing?  Is there really a 'Recession-Proof' Business - especially in these changing times?

Before we answer, let's walk through some recent US Business developments, shall we?

The latest list of major retailers, like Macy's, Staples, Nordstrum, Whole Foods and Wal-mart that are closing down stores and those filing bankruptcy:
  • Macy's will soon close 36 stores and lay-off approximately 2,500 employees
  • After the loss of $580 Million dollars in the 2015 fourth quarter alone, Sears has scheduled the closing of a minimum of 50+ of its most "unprofitable stores" by the end of 2016
  • In spite of showing significant growth for decades, Kohl's now plans to shutter 18 stores by the end of this year
  • Target finalized the closing of 13 stores in the US alone
  • Plans are already underway for Office Depot to close a total of 400 stores by year's end
  • Bankruptcy filing is underway for March, 2016 for Sports Authority.  Approximately 200 of their 450 stores may close their doors, according to recent news reports, but in reality, no one really knows how many stores may end up closing
  • In 2015, Best Buy closed 30 stores, and states that more store closings are likely in the months ahead
  • Aeropostale is currently closing 84 stores across America
  • The Gap has plans to close 175 stores in North America
  • J.C. Penney will permanently shutter an additional 47 stores in 2016, after close 40 stores last year
  • K-Mart is now closing more than 24 stores over the next several months, in addition to those closed in recent years
  • Wal-Mart will shut down 269 stores, with 154 in the United States alone
  • Finish Line just announced that at least 150 stores will be closing permanently over the next few years.
  • And let's not forget the recent plummeting oil prices and ALL those job lay-offs that go with that now declining industry!
In spite of ALL these major store closings, employee lay-offs and bankruptcy filings, the international corporation we've partnered with continues to break national industry records, post record sales year after year after year, and in January, 2016 alone - had its BIGGEST sales month ever, shattering ALL previous sales records in its previous 30-year history!  

While we may not be able to claim total fame to being the only Recession-Proof business model, we're certainly considering ourselves one of the potential candidates, wouldn't you?

Ready to learn more?  Contact me Today...What are You waiting for?

Deborah Lindley/Founder
Team NEW

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."

Powerful Living Online Newsletter

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Technological Advantages...YES We Do!

We LOVE technology and all it affords - especially the time freedom!

We have taken the very best technological advancements currently available today and implemented them into our business model, including the training of our valued Team Members.

Because of the technogy we utilize, we are more able to advance, build and train our valued Team Members ALL over the world...and it's even FUN!

If you've ever wondered IF something like this is even possible, and if so...How?

Come and join us for one of our upcoming webinars and we'll show you exactly how it's done.

Contact me today to schedule one for yourself!

Deborah Lindley/Founder
Team NEW

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."

Powerful Living Online Newsletter

Friday, January 8, 2016

Wellness for 2016?

Why Not?  We ALL deserve to live Well, don't we?

What are you're Wellness goals for 2016?  How about a Powerful Living Online Newsletter Subscription to our Brand-NEW Wellness Newsletter to help you out with those NEW Year Goals...and for free?

It's ALL yours for 1-FULL year for...F R E E!

Just follow this online link to grab yours:

Wellness to You and Yours in 2016 and Beyond,

Deborah Lindley/Founder
Team NEW

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."

Powerful Living Online Newsletter

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What is Your WHY?

This is such a BIG Decision - the very first question you need to ask yourself prior to taking on any kind of a Entrepreneurial Business is WHY?

Why are you pursuing this type of business endeavor?  And Money cannot be your 'Go To' answer. We ALL need money but, Why do YOU need Money?  What will YOU do with the money or revenues you generate from your own business enterprise?  How soon?  If not now, when?

You need to sit down with yourself and try and remember how to Dream again.  Dust off those cobwebbed covered dreams and re-discover WHY and what you would dearly LOVE to do IF money were not standing in your way of your Dreams.  What are you most passionate about?  What is more important to you and those you care about most?

It's 2016 - time to set those Dreams of yours on Fire, and rock them into the NEW Year!

Let us know what you come up with - we're really good at showing people how they can make their Dreams come true...

Happy NEW Year!

We are aspiring for fearless JOY in our 2016 pursuits - will you be joining us?

Deborah Lindley/Founder/Team Leader
Team NEW

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."

Monday, January 4, 2016

It's a BIG Decision...isn't it?

It sure was for us!  While we were so excited to start, we didn't have a clue where to begin!  So many choices...decisions, Decisions, DECISIONS!

Luckily, we soon realized we needed to step back and do some serious due diligence, since this was indeed, a BIG Business decision.  Fortunately, we decided to take some very sage business advice from some even more seasoned Veterans and Business Professionals.  What we found out has been invaluable, to say the least.

We discovered there are some very serious scams out there.  We also soon learned that most small business fail in their first 5 years of opening there doors!

To save you and us a bit of time, much of the information we discovered - and you might also want to check out, has been highlighted and encapsulated in a very informative and concise website that we use to share 'The Good News' about our business.  You can judge for yourself.

Check this out:
Don't forget to grab your F R E E copy of our Business eBook!

Questions?  Please Contact:

Deborah Lindley/Founder/Team Leader
Team NEW

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."

Let's explore our 3 Categories a bit more, shall we?

They seem rather simplistic, we know.  However, we've found them to be more than accurate over the years.

For me, I find myself referring to them more and more.  They tend to put and keep things, and especially people, in perspective.  These are not meant in any way to be derogatory, just a defining purpose.

Here's how I define our 3 Categories even further:

  • Shoppers = Want to 
  • Walkers = Need to
  • Runners = Have to

Determining which category each person qualifies for, also determines whom/how much time we will spend with each one of those people.  Takes the pressure off of everyone, since we ALL know where we!

Are YOU ready to find out which Category you qualify for?

When you are, Please Contact:

Deborah Lindley/Founder/Team Leader
Team NEW

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Someone's Waiting...Is It YOU?

When I first heard this phrase:

SW, SW, SW...SW!

I had to take a pause.

It stands for:

Some Will,

Some Won't,

So What?

Someone's Waiting!

Is it YOU?

Interested to learn More?

Please Contact:

Deborah Lindley/Founder/Team Leader
Team NEW

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."

Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016 is HERE...Are YOU Ready for a Brand-NEW Year?

It's HERE - are YOU ready for 2016?

Do YOU have the things in life you've always wanted and believe you and those you care about most deserve?

Are you yearning for More?

So were we, until we found a way we can achieve More, have More, do MORE!

Interested to know More?

Please Contact:

Deborah Lindley/Founder/Team Leader
Team NEW

"Enhancing Lives... One Day at a Time..."